What does it mean to you to be a conscious mother?

Posted by Charlotte Ziff on

This Mother’s day, we wanted to stay virtually connected with each of you and send love from afar. SunChild has put together a video to celebrate the different mothers all over the world, who are choosing to raise their children to be the conscious being they are. Asking our community 'What Does it Mean to you to be a Conscious Mother?' Here are a few of the open, real and inspiring responses we received, which I believe capture the pure grace of Conscious Motherhood.


  1. Jess Osie supports mothers daily by teaching them Vedic mediation. Acknowledges that our children are our biggest triggers, but it's a journey of the highest surrender. As a conscious mother, she lets go daily of any expectation of how it should be and meets her daughter Indi where she truly is, at the moment. Jess states that the difficult days we may have in motherhood is an opportunity to look within but also being a conscious mother is to have FUN! https://www.jessosie.com @jessosie


  2. Flicka, is the Co-Founder of My big moments that are fantastic picture books to help children through life big moments. She believes being a conscious mother is about connecting with your child on their emotional level, how they are feeling and what they need. It’s to check in and make sure you are not teaching them as a product of yourself. They are their own person with their own desires, plans and personality. For them to grow with reliance, being happy and become the person they need to be.  https://mybigmoments.com @mybigmoments


  3. Tanya, Founder of The Sattva Collections Aus, beautifully states it's knowing your child's dreams are more significant than your own and to trust them on their journey. @thesattvacollectionau


  4. Nina, Pre & Post Natal Pilates/ Yoga teacher, believes it's about being present with her son, Hunter. To enjoy each moment for what they are rather than how we may think they ought to be. It's the gift that we get to learn from our children each day and not mould them to who we think they should be, enjoying her son for who he is. @sabey_wellness


  5. Danii, an Ayurvedic practitioner for mothers and founder of Soma Shakti, believes it’s that of devotion. It's the power all mothers hold deep inside, within our heart. The source of unconditional love, generous giving and that of nourishment, which is the energy which lies within every conscious Mother. https://soma-shakti.com.au @soma.shakti


  6. Charlotte, Founder of SunChild, helping to keep children light shining believes it through seeing your children for who they are and accepting exactly where they are. Being a conscious mother is to raise children from a love base rather than a fear base. We all have elements of light and dark, and we all have good days and bad days, but it's about honouring both. It's the deep knowing that children are light inside and just like us, they are always supported, so it’s to accept that everything will still be fine. We, as conscious Mother's, grow with our child. https://www.sunchild.co @sunchild.co_

Happy Mother's Day, from SunChild, to all you incredible mums out there and thank you for raising our future generations so consciously.

I believe in my heart conscious motherhood is not about the raising of the child but that of us, the Mother… That is where the growth lies for both parents and children alike.

With love, light and above all support,

Charlotte x

Sunchild Founder


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