Is your child anxious? Read This.

Posted by Charlotte Ziff on

“My child suffers from such bad anxiety… Will the SunChild affirmation cards help?”

I am asked this question by parents on a daily basis. The answer is, of course, yes. But I’d like to dive deeper, to ask the bigger question – why are our children anxious in the first place?

I believe children are born fearless. They are brought into this world from a place of love. They see every situation as an extension of themselves. How can you fear the external when you are the external? Their consciousness is tied deeply to the present – their sense of ‘I’ is not yet developed. Their essence is pure truth – their natural state is joy. Unfortunately, as time goes on, children may assume the fears and anxieties of the adults or conditions that surround them.

Anxiety stems from fear, and an anxious child who is fearful of the world is the opposite of being fearless – or present. As a parent, if we guide our children from a place of fear, they will look to the world with fear too. If we view the world from a place of love, chances are, so will our kids. If a child knows from the start they are loved and secure then their fearlessness is fostered and strengthened. New opportunities for growth and expansion aren’t perceived as threats – instead, they are considered with curiosity, positivity and strength. We owe this to our little ones.

In these hyper-connected and over-stimulating times, there has been a huge increase in the diagnosis of children with anxiety and ADHD. I believe we have to be so careful when labelling our children these things. “My child is anxious” or “My child has difficulty concentrating – I think he has ADHD”. These labels stick. Personally, I am a big believer in children having energy (instead of anxiety). We live in a highly-stressed society, full of anxious beings, and as we know, all behaviour is learnt. Children are so connected to the subtle layers that they can pick up on and model the emotions of the collective. Therefore, when parenting we must always ask the question: “Am I parenting from a place of love, or a place of fear?” If we keep coming back to love, our children will do the same. 

Rather than children growing up with “I am nervous” or “I am anxious” or “I am scared” as their narrative, let’s flip the script. SunChild decks hold the affirmations “I am powerful”, “I am supported” and “I am proud to be me!”. These statements give your children the best foundation in life. Without limiting belief systems and negative labels, all kids can embrace their effortless fearlessness – their magical energy which they each hold inside to achieve anything they desire in life.

Big love,


SunChild Founder

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