Do you remember the first time your little one opened their SunChild deck?
It’s hard to forget. I always say my favourite part of SunChild is watching children’s faces light up when they pull out their first ever card. It’s like watching the magic of childhood unfold before you – a moment of pure consciousness, joy and opportunity. Their little faces are everything!
Parents often ask me, “When is the best time to use SunChild cards?”. I love starting the day with our deck – it helps usher in positive energy and a sense of peace for the day ahead. Choose one card for each child, read it together and then sit quietly (or as quietly as possible, I feel you!) and let the words and imagery sink in. For others, an afternoon practice is perfect – allowing little ones to tune back in to the world around them, calming any anxiety or agitation that has arisen throughout the day. However you treat your SunChild experience, I hope it brings a moment of joy and connection, reminding children of the unique light they bring into the world.
We absolutely love to see all our SunChildren embodying the mantra of ‘Keep your light shining’. If you spot your little one playing with our deck, snap a photo and share it with the hashtag #IAmASunChild. We’ll give a 10% discount for every magic moment we see so you can share the gift of SunChild with your family and friends.
Here’s what some of our SunChildren have to say…

Woody (Age 6): “Wow I got the same card as last time. These cards are actually magic.”

Jett (Age 7): “This is a great invention. Some people may think the words on the cards are fake, but I know they are real.”

Nava (Age 4): “I am happy is my favourite card. Every morning I am happy. Next time can you make I am Glad?”
Frankie (Age 2): “I am Love card, Mumma is beautiful card and Jamie is brave card.”
All children should know and be told from the start just how magical they are. We see you and all the power you hold inside!
With love, light and above all support,
Charlotte, SunChild Founder x