Having lost my mother when I was two years old, my father then remarried and my childhood became a dark place. I developed a negative belief system of myself, as a result of a difficult home life. Thinking that the world was against me, I constantly was seeking for love and comfort outside of myself. This all changed the moment I learnt to meditate, it became very clear that I could achieve anything, having nature's full support and deserving all the love in the world.
My vision for SunChild was to nurture children’s lights with positive ‘I am statements’ so that they could grow with a positive belief system and that they can achieve anything! By giving children this knowledge we are reminding them daily of their natural state of bliss. They can grow confidently with a strong sense of Self, believing that they are beautiful, fulfilled and loved, just the way they are.
Having a background in Steiner education, I believe now more than ever it is so important to get children amongst nature. Especially with the huge rise of technology, gaming and social media. Not only for their physical but also social and mental health. This is why Sunchild’s ethos is to be outdoors and really connect to mother earth.
The cards were all created locally in Bondi with the art being handcrafted by our designer, Frankie. SunChild is all about empowerment, using all females to help create the magic. The cards truly have been consciously created every step of the way using only recycled paper and love, whilst donating 5% of profits to ‘Feel the Magic’ in loving memory of SunChild’s angel Mummy Kay.
Charlotte x