When does being beautiful become something we need to learn?! A comment a 4-year-old said to me regarding her physical appearance, has been playing on my mind all week. It's was bath time, and she had much resistance to tie her hair up, which I wanted to so wouldn't get wet. I finally did put her hair up, and then she paused looking in the mirror with her face dropped saying "But Charlotte I am ugly, with my hair up.

How early is this mistake in our intellect learnt?! I hear beautiful women all around complaining about physical appearance and fear this is rubbing off on our little ones. I know society and media have always played a role in how we view ourselves but for a girl as young as 4 to have this belief already, breaks my heart. If I am continually calling her beautiful but then turn to the mirror and say "oh I look so ugly today" this is what they are hearing and repeating. If we want our girls to grow to be the strong, beautiful women they are inside and out, we first have to look at how we view our own beauty. Don't aspect them to call themselves beautiful if we aren't doing the same to ourselves, as their teachers.
It's an injustice to what we are capable of as women when we call ourselves ugly, not just as a 4-year-old but for all ages. Our bodies are so much more intelligent than just what they physically look like. Are we forgetting that this is the body that gave our daughter life, that pushed her out into the world? Its time, we as women honour this and teach our daughter the same lessons of body love for generations to come.
A great way to introduce that beauty is not just an external construct but grows from within is using our SunChild deck with your little one. This will affirm daily just how beautiful we each are and allows your child to grow with the confidence and this knowing always.